Ok so yesterday I drove home and was getting all my crap together (for whatever reason I feel the need to take at least two books with me to work along with a notebook and usually like two water bottles) and prepared to exit my car. I looked for cars (my street is crowded cause you can park on both sides) and opened my door. When out of nowhere this dude on a bike flies past me, missing me by inches. He yelled "Watch for bikers!" as he scooted on off. Now I, in my flustered state, pretty much screeched "I'm sorry."
But here's the thing. He had the whole freaking road to bike - there were no cars coming in either direction for blocks, and yet he felt compelled to drive right by the car that had passed him a block before and just parked and obviously would have someone exiting the car in moments. Had he not said anything I would have probably just felt bad and then been careful from then on (or at least for the next week or so). BUT, because he had to tell me to watch for bikers in a condescending I'm-so-much-better-than-you-and-your-shitty-centra-with-a-broken-headlight kind of way, I'm just pissed. Fuck you biker man.
Now I live in probably the most biker friendly city in the Midwest. But seriously most of these bikers do not have common sense! And yeah, ok you're a better person than I am because you bike to work and I drive and you clearly are more in tune with the world and issues and whatever, but seriously I do not care.
AND, now that I'm on a roll here, when I was younger I was hit by a car while I was on my bike. Through no fault of my own, the guy took a corner too fast and clipped my back tire sending my flying through the air. I was like 10 at the time so you can imagine how fast the guy slammed on his breaks to see if I was ok. Which I was. But you know what? I didn't tell the guy - oh you should watch for bikers. I FREAKING WATCHED OUT FOR MORON DRIVERS FROM THAT POINT ON. And you should too biker man. Cause if I see you again I might be tempted to throw my door out on purpose. Jeesh.
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