Monday, June 22, 2009

The Proposal

I don't know what you did on Father's Day but I went and saw a chick flick with my mom. Ryan Reynolds as Andrew and Sandra Bullock as Margaret in the Proposal, to be exact.
The opening was a little too Devil Wears Prada for me, what with everyone whipping into a work frenzy when Margaret comes around and Andrew simpering on the phone to his family, but instead of a fashion magazine they work in a publishing house which I liked. Margaret learns she is about to be deported back to Canada, away from the job she loves so she tells Andrew that he's going to marry her. And they jet off to Alaska to met his family.
This movie has everything you expect from a romantic comedy. Especially the bickering. My mom and I played the game where she'd whisper to me what she thought would happen and I'd whisper back "I know!" If you are looking for amazing storylines, you should probably look elsewhere. But, if you're looking for a movie that has a sweaty naked Ryan Reynolds then this is the movie for you!
It was cute, predictable, but cute. And holy crap Oscar from the Office has the weirdest part ever. Nails it. Also, Betty White is still pretty impressive. And COACH was in it. I thought that Reynolds and Bullock did have some really great acting moments. Especially when Margaret was opening up little bits of her emotional side. They were also funny together.

I want that house in Alaska. Someone get to work on that. The dog too.
I'd buy this for those girly nights when nothing but a sappy romantic comedy will do.

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